Please note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. We always discuss these with you before conducting any procedures. Should you have any doubts, please seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

What are the reasons for tooth extraction?
Extensive decay or damage to a tooth
Periodontal disease - due to poor oral hygiene, plaque and calculus accumulate on the teeth surface, which leads to gum inflammation. When not treated, it causes damage and loss of the underlying bone and surrounding tissue. As a result, teeth become loose and depending on the extent of the bone loss, sometimes it is impossible to save the tooth
To improve appearance before or during an orthodontic treatment
Teeth with no function, which have no opposing teeth to grind against during chewing
A cracked or fractured tooth where the fracture line goes below the gum line and involves the roots

Why do we have to remove wisdom teeth?
Wisdom teeth, or the 3rd molar teeth, sometimes cause problems and pain and need to be removed. Some of the causes of pain or discomfort related to wisdom teeth include:
Lack of space in the jaw for the teeth to erupt. This mostly presents as a partially erupted tooth where part of it is covered with a flap of gum. The opposing wisdom tooth traumatizes the gum which swells and the whole pericoronal (the gum around the teeth) tissues get inflamed, causing severe pain.
Orthodontic treatment. Some specialist prefer to start their treatment after the wisdom teeth are removed, others prefer them removed when the orthodontic treatment is completed
Difficulty brushing. Physically not being able to brush the wisdom teeth results in decay, pain and gum inflammation around them
Tilted and/or partial eruption of the teeth. This causes trauma to the cheeks and the side of the tongue


How do we remove wisdom teeth?
At Vincentia Dental Care, you can choose to have wisdom teeth surgically removed in the chair, one at a time, one side at a time or all at once in one appointment in a pain free-free and relaxed environment. The procedure takes approximately 15-45 minutes depending on the position of the tooth and the number of teeth removed.
Before the surgery, we need a recent jaw x-ray (OPG) or where necessary, a 3D jaw scan (available in our practice) to assess the position of the wisdom tooth in relation to the surrounding vital structures. This ensures we prevent any damage to the nerve.

Home care after extraction
Rest at home after extraction
If you have had any form of sedation do not drive a car, ride a motorcycle, operate machinery or engage in active exercise for the rest of the day
Depending on the number of teeth removed, you may need ton take time off work, school or other duties.
Avoid drinks containing alcohol if you are taking painkillers or antibiotics
Eat soft foods such as soups (not too hot), pureed vegetables and meat, and jellies for the first two days
Drink a lot of fluid
Use ice packs to reduce swelling and pain