As a parent, making sure your child is as healthy as possible is understandably one of your highest priorities. If you are eligible, the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) helps you keep your kids’ teeth in great shape.

What is the Child Dental Benefits Schedule?
The Commonwealth Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is a government-funded dental benefits program for children aged 2–17 years. Each eligible child is allocated $1000 to use on dental treatment over a two year period.

Who is Eligible for CDBS?
A child is deemed eligible for the CDBS if:
they’re within the applicable age range for at least some of that year
they qualify for Medicare, and
their parent or guardian receives either Family Tax Benefit Part A, Parenting payment or Double Orphan Pension payments for at least some of that year

What Type of Treatments are Covered?
The CDBS covers a range of dental services, including:
fissure sealing
root canals
The CDBS doesn’t cover orthodontic work (the straightening of crooked teeth), cosmetic dental procedures (the restoration or replacement of damaged or missing teeth), or any work that might need to be done in a hospital.

How Can I Find Out If My Child Qualifies?
The most straightforward way is to access your Medicare account, either online at my.gov.au or you can call the Medicare General Enquiries line on 132 011.
Alternatively, you can call Vincentia Dental Care on 02 4443 7374 and we will find out for you if you provide us with your Medicare card number.
If your child is eligible, we can then schedule an appointment for your child to discuss suitable treatment options for them, based on their dental health. We will also discuss any associated costs of these services, and you will need to sign a consent form before we provide any treatment.
All treatment provided under CDBS is bulk-billed so you will not be out of pocket.